Our Mission

“We provide shelter and veterinary care to lost, unwanted, and abandoned animals until they can be placed in a kind and loving home where they will be cared for in a safe and humane environment for the rest of their natural lives. We also seek to improve the community by educating the public about the importance of spaying and neutering. This prevents undesired breeding and minimizes the need for euthanasia also by promoting the adoption of animals as pets from pounds, shelters, and animal rescue groups rather than supporting inhumane puppy and kitten mills, which contribute to the problem of overpopulation of domestic animals.”

total lives saved since 2016
estimated intakes last year
estimated spays and neuters at St. Francis

As early as 2000 a group of animal
lovers started meeting and tried to figure out how to get
southern Illinois’s first no-kill animal rescue started.

Early 2000s


We became St. Francis Community Animal Rescue and Education.


We took the big plunge and borrowed $500,000 to build our current building. Let the construction begin!


Our construction was completed and we were able to move into our new home where we have had the opportunity to rescue and save hundreds of cats and dogs.

January 2015

We got a bus!


Congratulations Dr. Creese on 10,000 spays and neuters!


We are so grateful to have the support of our community for a mission that we began over twenty years ago. From volunteers to donors, we wouldn't be where we are, saving so many lives, without you. Thank you!


Make a Donation

We are a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, which means we rely heavily on donations from the public to keep us up and running. Our animals need many things to keep them comfortable and happy, and we strive to make sure they are spoiled rotten!

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